About Polly North

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So far Polly North has created 159 blog entries.

The Great Diary Project at the Museum of Childhood

The Great Diary Project at the Museum of Childhood, Bethnal Green, London: 17 May – 12 October 2014 Using documents from The Great Diary Project archive at Bishopsgate Institute, this exhibition offers insights into the lives of children and teenagers at particular moments in history. The diaries on display date from 1813 to 1996, showing changes in attitudes over time and demonstrating how an individual's unique voice can be captured in this very private kind of writing. On public display for the first time, they include tales of flogging and bed bugs at boarding school during the Napoleonic Wars, early twentieth [...]

2014-04-16T09:00:03+01:00By |Latest News|

Happy Christmas one and all x

25 December From GDP/6 AJ AJ was born in 1964. Here, she describes a childhood Christmas. 25 December 1978 Fantastic day. Lots of stuff. Disco dancing fantastic. Orange game. Wokeup at 8:30 got stocking had breakfast. Took 2hrs opening presents. 2 pairs legwarmers shoes Indian jacket shirt [illegible] + lots of other stuff. Went B’s drinks gd. Big lunch. Games in evening.

2018-11-29T12:35:40+00:00By |Collections, Latest News|

Being prefect

20 December (post 20 Dec) From GDP/1 AM AM was born in 1937 and grew up in Cumbria. She kept a detailed diary during her teenage years and her early twenties, covering her final years at school, and her first job doing secretarial work in Edinburgh. 20 December 1952 My report came today and seems pretty hopeful regards the prefect business. “AM is making good progress in every way” written incidentally by the C [a teacher]. I think it’s about the best report I’ve ever had – even games was quite good! J, S [friends of the diarist] and I [...]

2018-11-29T12:35:41+00:00By |Collections, Latest News|

Horrible news but we had new railing too.

11 December From GDP/8 John Leeson John Leeson (1803-1865) owned and rented out property in London. In his diaries, he regularly recorded a mixture of his business dealings, family news, and politics. 11 December 1847 Mother got worse on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday + Wednesday. We had Sir James Clark to see her on Thursday who said there was great danger. She was very quiet + composed all day and wished all of us to go to bed at ten of’clock. She also made Nurse go to bed, who got up at 11 of’clock to give her the medicine when she [...]

2018-11-29T12:35:41+00:00By |Collections, Latest News|

Servants and ailments

From GDP/8 John Leeson John Leeson (1803-1865) owned and rented out property in London. In his diaries, he regularly recorded a mixture of his business dealings, family news, and politics. The regular arrivals and departures of servants pepper these diaries. 4 December 1847 Monday – Jane Plours left Mother’s service + she was without a servant on Tuesday + Wednesday and had to do all the work of the house. Wednesday evening – Ann Brown, Uncle Day’s old servant came to live with us. Thursday – Mother taken ill with a cough + cold – kept her bed on Friday, [...]

2018-11-29T12:35:42+00:00By |Collections, Latest News|

Buckingham Palace

From GDP/59 - CW CW (1903-1989) was in the Royal Navy during the Second World War. We also hold the diaries of his parents, ref. GDP/57 and GDP/58 respectively. W  later wrote a memoir of his wartime experiences, a part of which, dealing with the presentation of a medal, is reproduced here. On my return I found I had been awarded a BEM for services on the Hermione and was sent to Buckingham Palace to receive it from King George VI. I had rather an embarrassing experience, as I arrived at the gates with my wife and young son, a [...]

2018-11-29T12:35:42+00:00By |Collections, Latest News|
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