Tinker tailor soldier spy

This diary is written by a tailor who lived in Southsea ( where my mum lives! ) in the mid-1800s. The pocketbook is inscribed at the front with the name of Benjamin Ivison, 16 Port Royal Street, Southsea. It seems to contain more than one hand, the content indicating the Ivison was a tailor. The book is bound in blue leather, with the initials 'BI' engraved on the clasp. It includes a small pencil and a pouch sewn into the front cover.

2019-08-02T12:54:25+01:00By |Collections|

A Kind Lady

We have recently received a deposit of Lady Gladys Arnold Robertson (nee Ingalls) diaries. This lady swung between mother-hood, acting the ambassador's wife role, and opening and maintaining a hospital in her hometown in Virginia, USA. She lived a full life. The first volume from 1900, is entitled in gold 'My Trip Abroad' - it is an indepth account of the young and single Miss G. Ingall's travels in Europe March to June 1900 (sailing from New York and returning from Liverpool via Spain and Italy). The diarist married Lord Malcolm Arnold Robertson in March 1917. The travel journal contains postcards [...]

2019-08-02T12:52:14+01:00By |Collections|

A writer and a wit

We were recently gifted the diaries of the niece of an existing diarist in the archive. The spirit lives on! Both diarists are fascinating and ground-breaking women. Frances Muriel Hazelton is the niece of diarist, Irene Griffiths. Frances' diaries are primarily exercise books of different colours and size. The diaries cover the diarist's adolescence and her 19th and 20th years, in which the diarist worked at the BBC as a 'female newsroom attendant' and her entry in to St Hugh's College in Oxford in the 60s, no mean feat for a woman in male preserve..... The diarist writes infrequently and [...]

2019-05-31T13:18:23+01:00By |Collections|

CityRead 2019

The Great Diary Project has, this month, spoken three times at libraries in London: Brent Library, Kensington and Chelsea Central Library and finally, Richmond Library. The highlight of the events was the attendees; they asked insightful questions which really promoted discussion and ideas. Thank you. http://cityread.london/events/

2019-05-31T13:13:19+01:00By |Collections|

Diaries as order to the chaos…..

Diaries often have printed material at the front (and sometimes back, or between pages). Including recipes, household tips, lunar and solar movements, international dialling codes... this material is dubbed a 'paratext'. Paratexts = information Information = knowledge Knowledge (can be seen to) = a way of knowing the world Knowing the world, describing the world (can be viewed as) = a form of control over it. Diarists write about their lives. The narrative structure diarists give to their lives in the pages of their diaries provides some a sense of structure, even, perhaps, a sense of reality and control in [...]

2019-03-08T16:38:06+00:00By |Collections|
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