A recent acquisition of 77 volumes. All pocket diaries ranging from leather bound to silver encased to Charles Letts edition diaries, to plastic diaries and simple slim papar notebooks cum diary. The diaries contain the odd newspaper cutting of note and all contain references to church dates; the early diaries often contain illustrations of mechanical designs and lists of numbers or formulas, and later diaries contain fewer references to mechanical design and more to physical ailments. The date range starts in 1922 when Mr Cooke is 10 years old. The entries are brief. In the 1920s references include childhood activities, for instance shooting a bird and playing with friends. The 1930s diaries contain references to work appointments, hunts and shoots, his illnesses, haircuts; B/W photos are contained in the fly of (1933) christening of his baby (1939). The slow build-up to the outbreak of war is referenced (28th April 1939) HITLER’S SPEECH’ and the following entry appears in (September 1939) ‘War Declared, to Haycock for a drink.’ The 1940 diary has a long entry on 14/6/40 detailing the escalation of war. 1941-45 there is a mixture of news updates, focused on the war, and personal information. Notes on Baby Philip, walks, friends and family visited. In the 1950s there are increased references to hoildays, his children (Janet and Philip), gardening, fishing, looking after fowl, the weather. The diary for 1950 was brought for Mr Cooke by his son, Philip and contains his son’s message to his father at Christmas. 27/1/51 Mr Cooke decides to buy a TV set; on 4/6/51 Philip has appendicitis. At this point Mr Cooke’s wife, who is generaly referred to as N, is referred to as Netta. In the early months of 1959 Mr Cooke remarks repeatedly on the coldness of the weather. In the 1960s there are references to the weather, the activities of his children, visits he and Netta make to local pubs or to friends; by 1966 his children seem to have found partners: significant dates are 2/8/60 where Mr Cooke remarks on delivery of a Ford Escort and 4/5/67 where he remarks on his daughter Janet having her ‘second sow’. The 1970s diaries contain similar references to church, weather, haircuts, doctor appointments, gardening, changes in season. 14/2/72 remarks on police investigation locally. 27/8/79 his daughter moves to Belgium with her partner and her sons Campbell and Iain (Mr Cooke’s grandsons). 1980s visits from children and grandchildren, same references to garden and weather, references to visits to health centres for Mr Cooke and Netta. 4/5/89 Mr Cooke is told his mother’s illness is terminal and he spends much of the month in the hospital. 1990s increased hospital visits and illnesses, many more references to friends, games of scrabble, trips to the pub. Last entry in 1999 refers to a talk with a friend.