This wonderful collection of diaries is quite remarkable – a real gift!
Diaries of Meg Hendry
The diaries date from 1903-1917. They are three thick notebooks, in which the diarist has embroidered sayings, photographs, and dates. The diaries are made up of irregular entries in a number of formats, ranging from the diarist’s poetry, the poetry of others, newspaper clippings, observations, and lists of books read. At the beginning of the volume for 1908-1917 the diarist lists each New Year’s Day’s weather each year from 1908-1917. The diarist notes the location for each poem and in each reflects on a range of subjects: what it is to be a woman, what it is to be in love, to be kind, and to work. The diarist was born in Scotland and worked in Bristol as a ladies maid.