3 May

From GDP/8 John Leeson

John Leeson (1803-1865) owned and rented out property in London. In his diaries, he regularly recorded a mixture of his business dealings, family news, and politics.

3 May 1851

1st – The Chrystal [sic] Palace in Hyde Park opened for the Exhibition by Queen Victoria + Prince Albert – fine day, many persons there.

Wednesday – We dined with Mr. Brown + family – Mr. Brown + family came to see the Exhibition opened + spent afternoon with us.

Miss Gilbert + Blackburne took tea with us.

Sir G. Grey brt. Into House of Coms a new bill to supply London with water, by one company instead of 9 as at present.

Mr. Barnett dined with us – employ’d on commission.

Countess of Radnor died – 62 – unwell some time.

Mrs. Harvey + son called on us – looks well.